The story of three siblings and a mysterious stranger who wants to escape their frustrating lives.
Set in Sanpo Village, a neighborhood where emigration is more common than immigration. The three Yeom siblings—Chang Hee, Mi Jung, and Ki Jung—live there and are all looking for a way out of a life filled with "no answers."
One day, Mr. Goo, a mystery figure, appears out of nowhere in their neighborhood. He is a degenerate, a drunkard, and he appears to be carrying a lot of responsibilities and secrets.
Even the shy Mi Jung, the youngest of the three siblings, was compelled to talk to him because of his circumspect demeanor and desire to keep to himself.
Original Network: jTBC;Director: Kim Seok Yoon [김석윤]Country: KoreanStatus: OngoingReleased: 2022Genre: Drama; Family; life;